3rd grade false beginners

May, 25                                                  
farewell letter
Dear all
Well, here we are. End of May again. End of the school year again. Only this time a different May for you our third graders, your last days at junior high school. Some more lessons, final exams and off you go.
It’s hard to believe that our time together in the classroom is over. The fact that we won't be meeting in the classroom with those giggles and chuckles that I always used to scold you all for during the attendance, makes me sad. However the fact that you are going on in your life makes me glad.
There seem to be so many more things left for us to learn from one another...but I know that it’s time to send you on your way.
You're off now to bigger and better things. In a few short years, you'll say goodbye to high school and hello to the rest of your life. I am so excited to see all the amazing things that you'll do, and the amazing places you'll go. Wherever life takes you, I hope you remember to live fully and enjoy every second of the moment you're in.
No matter what enjoy life, dear students. Enjoy the time you have here. Make the most of it. Don't wash it away. Laugh daily. Love each other well. Sacrifice for others. And never give up on your dreams. Because if you think you're too cool for something fun or you think that you're better than someone else, you're really just hurting yourself. You're stealing your own joy before you even get to experience it. Be a kid. Live a life of fun and adventure. Support and build up; don't tear down and destroy.
And, no matter where we are, I'm always there for each one of you. Do keep in touch with me on my personal e-mail makrydesa@gmail.com.

Best of luck for your life ahead
Your English teacher
Despina Macrydimitri

Modal verbs

English Grammar:

September 26, European day of languages

Unique words
  • higgledy-piggledy: disordered, jumbled, not neat and tidy. According to Oxford Dictionary, probably used initially with reference to the disordered herding together of pigs
  • dilly-dally: to move or act too slowly

October 31, Halloween

November 5, Bonfire night

The last Thursday of November, Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving - Reading Comprehension:

Honouring Shakespeare